Meditation for Sunday, April 14, 2013
Perhaps it is that which we keep hidden in fearthat is our true light;
perhaps it is the one we fear the most
who is our truest, deepest friend.
Wake the old lion, and let him out of the cage;
uncover your light from under that bushel.
God is trying to tell you something
in every aspect of the life you hide,
in every fear that you apprehend.
Life is not lived on the surface of things:
Swimming in familiar, stagnant waters;
the truest discoveries are made around
the borders; on the edge; at those
magnificent boundaries where our souls explode.
I’ll meet you at the border, then, my friends,
out on the edge of our imaginations;
in the dark essence of these lives we lead.
There may we yet burst forth as new light
to one another, and light the way, perhaps,
for other struggling pilgrims who’ll come after us.
Who knows what truly heavenly discoveries
may come to us there in that sacred borderland
we once derided as worthless?
2/3/03 2/16/03 4/14/13
2/3/03 2/16/03 4/14/13
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