A Prayer for Our Church School
Now, another year in the life of this church family is hurrying to a close. So now, may we pause in quietness and peace, and think about the lessons we have learned, and maybe even get a glimpse of the road that is still before us.
.We are thankful that here, we have been able to open our eyes: to see the beauty and good in other people, and to help them see the beauty in themselves. We are thankful that we have been able to look beyond the small faults and limitations people have on the surface, to glimpse the real and true, deeper, divine beauty within.
We are thankful for the opportunities we have had to come to know ourselves better, as well: our strengths, as well as our weaknesses; to discover something of what we believe, and what we don’t.
We are grateful for having had the chance to hear the stories of those who have come before, those who have added light and warmth, wisdom and love, to this world that always needs those things. Though they are gone, may they live forever in our hearts, and walk with us, every step of our own journeys.
We are thankful for this Church—and this Church School-- this precious incubator of our spirits. A place where no one is too young and no one is too old, and each and every one is cherished as the great gifts of life that he or she truly is.
So, may we sing our songs, and sing them always at full voice. And even when we are absent from one another, may the music we have made together ring always in our ears and in our memories, till we are together once again.
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