Monday, June 10, 2013

Each step is a story (Sunday, June 2, 2013)

Each step is a story

Each step is a story
of our journey; each moment,
a metaphor, deeper lessons discerning-- 
not to be catalogued, but lived to the full;
not analyzed, but allowed to dance,
deep within our souls.

We meet and greet 
other souls as they pass;
it is a lovely dance
of elegance and beauty
when we cherish the other living spirits
with whom we share this path.
Now back to back, now face to face,
smiling, greeting, a soft touch in passing, perhaps:
We are alone and strong and free,
but dependent, too; joined with every other
pilgrim with whom we share
this holy ground.

Knowing this, we become at last like angels,
blissful sparks of hope and love made real;
our hurt and pain diffused in the holy ether, 
not less real, but held now in stronger hands than ours.
Our joy now cosmic, our song divine;
as we approach the center, together,
free at last to the lessons 
that our lives’ stories will gladly teach.

3/19/02         11/30/03          6/2/13